Don’t Tread On Me

1 minute


“Don’t mess with the beard.”
“Watch it, you.”
“Don’t make me get up.”
Popeye forearms
“Don’t test me!”

For insight about the “Don’t Tread On Me” flag, & the Liberty flag, & what they truly mean (not what the masses have molested & entirely warped their meanings to be), visit the links a little further below.

Love it!
Pretty cool, huh?!

These above and much more found at: & …then click “History”.

Also, don’t miss Metallica’s “Don’t Tread On Me” lyrics: or watch the video.

May these lead you on an educational journey of the web’s libraries, & let us not fall victim to surfdom or serfdom!

It is so very okay if you share us on social media. : )

“Give me Lizardry or give me Death!” – Dawn Renée

One response to “Don’t Tread On Me”

  1. I am not in the mood!

    Liked by 1 person

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