Love Those Neat Tongues

3 minutes


Have you ever noticed that lizards have different tongues? They’re utilitarian and oh so cute!

Lizards have tongues of different sizes. Maybe we all knew that.

But some have varying stretching capacities.

Sometimes their tongues are different colors.

Most interesting to me, are the shapes. Why are they different? Generally they all are omnivores, so wouldn’t one style of tongue work for all?

Thank you,

Well, I was curious about that. This is what I found:

First, we have a protusible tongue. The Chameleons and Monitors own this one.

What is that?

Well, think of the word protrude. We can make our own tongues protrude a bit, but compared to some lizards, not so much, and certainly ours are unlike a Chameleon’s ability. One site called it a “Ballistic tongue” and with good reason! It’s fast and it is it’s own projectile!

How about the chameleon owning a possible tongue speed of 0 to 60 mph in 1/100 of a second?!

Chameleons Are Cool!

Wow, huh?! Do their prey have a survival rate? I’ve not seen one miss, but statistically, I’m sure it happens.

If you’ve seen a Chameleon, you know they aren’t speedy predators in the realm of bodily animation. Therefore, a tongue as theirs, combined with stealthy aim and excellent depth perception helps this beautiful reptile survive!

Next, we have forked tongues!

Monitor lizards also have forked tongues.

Here’s why and more about it.

Fun fact: Hummingbirds also have tongues with a split at the tip.

Komodo Dragons are the largest of Monitors and I think their forked tongues look wicked cute!

Our beautiful lizard friends are found upon every continent except Antarctica! This and more neat info can be found here:

A Blue Toungue Skink … well, so, this is an interesting read HERE, and a gorgeous creature in the video below. Guess what! I can’t find the name of the style of tongue they own! Please let me know in the comments if you know.

(From Brave Wilderness) I always aim to like, comment or subscribe to the creators of videos if I like them in any way, so, I’m going to subtly suggest that. : )

There are so many styles of tongues! Have you seen those cute, little & busy tongues of Geckos? There is awesome info and gorgeous photos put together right here regarding Geckos!

You’ve learned a lot today, I won’t leave you without a close-up of our Murph!!

Murph has a cute, tiny tongue. He also elevates his fingertips! What a character he is!

*note: If you have one of these darlings mentioned above, who has a problem with tongue extraction – that is a thing. Type the problem into a search engine, some results may help determine the problem and cause. Also seek the assistance of an exotic animal veterinarian and always make sure you are meeting your lizard’s diet needs, as well as UVA & UVB requirements. UVB bulbs need changed every 6-12 months. Testers are made for them to check emissions. As always, if there are any questions regarding the care of lizards, we will attempt to help any way possible. You may simply leave a comment or access our Contact page via the menu option @

“Give me Lizardry or give me Death!” – Dawn Renée

Chameleon photo above & other great shots may be found here: The other photos where no credits were given we’re also courtesy of, except of course, Lil’ Murph, Thank you, Murph for your natural beauty.

11 responses to “Love Those Neat Tongues”

  1. These adaptations, which materialize after hundreds and thousands of years thru the ol survival of the fittest, are responsible for all the variety we see in life today. Darwin had it right.


  2. Well explained…the lizards and the tongue…and lil Murph looks smart as ever..
    God bless you 🙏🌹🙏


  3. It is all so awe-inducing to me! Every detail of it, from types of toungues to the protective ear membranes to keep out sand and debris. Sometimes, we see animals with no change from their ancestors. Other times things exist that seem to have no benefit to nature, like tapeworms – and I wonder, did life take on a life of its own and we live with by-products such as these?

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Thank you! Yep, that’s our brilliant boy! Back at ya, friend


  5. It’s certainly interesting. The complexity of it all. And most genetic mutations are not advantageous and disappear quickly. And here we are: actually conscious and aware and enjoying these things.


  6. 🌹🌹


  7. Indeed. And what you’ve just stated about being conscious, we are not the only species. I believe with my whole soul, there are a few creatures whom are totally aware. It’s beautiful, and I love them. Ready to laugh? Some lizards, a cat, one butterfly, a cricket and one fish. I’ve met them, and wouldn’t be convinced otherwise!

    : )

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I’ve never thought about this before, very interesting adaptations.


  9. You’re right. Animals are aware, but I don’t think they’re aware that they’re aware. They have consciousnesses that are different than ours. We can connect to them on a personal level. After all we are animals too.


  10. Hmm, you may be correct. I hadn’t thought of it that way.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. They are cold blooded but not cold hearted. Beautiful little creatures.


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